The Ace Attorney series' anime adaptation kicks off this weekend. Anime streaming service Crunchyroll gets the first episode of Phoenix Wright's anime on Saturday after it airs in Japan. New episodes will follow every Saturday following April 2.
Crunchyroll announced the news on its forums. The episode will arrive at 4 AM PT on April 2 and is available to all Crunchyroll members outside of Asia.
Capcom Unity provided more details in a blog post, saying the episodes will be in Japanese with English subtitles. The story will feature the early beginnings of characters like Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, Maya Fey, and more.
Crunchyroll's description of the anime is as follows:
"Adapted from the popular video game franchise, Ace Attorney follows rookie lawyer Naruhodo Ryuuichi (Phoenix Wright) and his assistant Mayoi (Maya) as he defends his clients in a court of law. With limited evidence and logic as his only weapon, can Naruhodo turn the case around when all the odds are stacked against him?"
Since the anime won't be in English, it will use the characters' Japanese names. Capcom Unity put together a list of all the names, and you can check out who's who below:
- Naruhodo Ryuichi (Phoenix Wright)
- Mitsurugi Reiji (Miles Edgeworth)
- Ayasato Mayoi (Maya Fey)
- Ayasato Chihiro (Mia Fey)
- Yahari Masashi (Larry Butz)
- Itonokogiri Keisuke (Detective Gumshoe)
- Auchi Takefumi (Winston Payne)
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